Nestled in the neighbouring French countryside, David Lloyd's Veigy Country Club was the ideal location to host EmpowHer Suisse's latest event.
EmpowHer was founded by four Italian entrepreneurs based in Switzerland:
Laura Chiavazza is originally from Turin and is the founder of Whitening Artists, Philamed Healthcare Solutions and manager of Cleage in Place du Molard.
Lucrezia Bordi is originally from Rome and is the founder of LB Nutrition, Lucrezia is an ASCA and RME approved nutritionist in Geneva, specializing in prevention and maintaining your health capital.
Rosalinda Fiumara is a Professional Coach and Life Coach and founder of My Coaching Angels . She is a NLP New Code Practionner and ICF Master Coach
Silvia Rori is originally from Rome and is the founder of Silvia Rori Organising, which offers professional home organising services, some of which can be viewed on her blog Silvia is a member of l’Association Suisse de Professionnels de l’Organisation (Swiss APO), a Senior Member of the Italian Association of Professional Organisers (APOI) and the USA based TPM
 EmpowHer Suisse hosts events catered to women with products and services ranging from health and beauty, fashion, personal safety, cuisine, homeware and more.
The event at David Lloyd offered a myriad of products and services all rendered more fun by music by Galardi Media Network.